we only got four minutes to save the world
so keep it up keep it up, don't be a prima donna
Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 6:42 PM

class blog as i promised (:
yea lols sorry for th delay uhs . no time mahs :x

wait till isaac gives me th class list then i'll update again (: and i think there's a lot of things i missed out .__. like th teachers part .__. if you all know tell me horh , then i update :D and if you got blog right , then i never link , tell me i link okeh :D ?

and and yea ,
you all horh :x mai girls talk to boys or boys talk to girls then say flirt horh . because ,


friends .__. so , boys and girls mai lyk aliens okeh .__. i know aliens are cute :3
/heck .

so here's our timetable :D

study hard worh ! :D love all of you guys <3
oh and if you guys want th blogger email and password sms me - 90680206 (: